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Brooke Dunlop
Elevation_Part Section - Working Mum (Self Portrait) . Architects Australia

Elevation_Part Section - Working Mum (Self Portrait)
760mmL x 760mmH x 32mmD / Acrylic On Framed Canvas

Artist Statement

This artwork is attempting to express the disjointedness that I feel in 'attempting' to be both a professional and a mother of three.  As a mother there is never a day that there isn't some drama, chaos or child to have to tackle and rangle back into order.

There are always demands and the challenge is how calmly you can remain. However, as an Architect, I feel each days experience makes me more proficient, better and more proud of my skills.

Things are more ordered, reasoned and often I feel challenged, in a good way. It use to be that work would come home with me... it now feels like home comes to work with me.

About The Artist

Architect for 20 years. Brisbanite and advocate of benefits of creativity.

Painter for pleasure, de-stress and whenever I can find the time.