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Thonet was born in Europe in the mid-1800's by Michael Thonet.

He was a skilled craftsman that developed the method of bending wood that is the basis for all Thonet design's today.

In 1842 the Austrian Royal Court granted Michael Thonet the exclusive right to manufacture furniture pieces with his bendinding method which led to the Thonet company becoming a international presence that continues today.

From it's original No. 14 Vienna, the original bentwood cafe chair, through to the production model No. 18, Thonet represents the very best of minimal and beautiful furniture developed through the Industrial Revolution.

Economical, utilitarian and eternally modern, Thonet represents the essence of iconic furniture design.

Innerspace offers a full range of original Thonet pieces exclusively in Queensland.

For More Information
Please contact us at or (07) 3216 6079